ateliescola acaia is an experimental school for children and young people from the “Nove”and “Linha”favela close to Ceasa in São Paulo, offering since 2017 formal education as well as workshops. One of the aims of the ateliescola is to provide a program of education, healthcare and culture for vulnerable children who have little social or financial support. Some former students who have completed technical courses and university education are still assisting the Institute.


Sagarana is a one-year course aimed at improving the chances of a place at the best universities for high school students at the state schools in São Paulo. These students are identified and selected from among the best and most highly motivated children attending the state schools which are partners in the project. It started in early 2005 and since then a new group has been admitted each year. Its former students include doctors, engineers, teachers, economists and others who have graduated from the University of São Paulo (USP), as well as dozens of professionals who have studied at Brazil’s foremost public and private universities.


Acaia Pantanal is a social and educational program for the riverside inhabitants of the Pantanal in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. It has a rural elementary school and supports continuing education up to senior high school at a partner institution. It provides social and educational programs for the surrounding population, specialist training for teachers and initiatives to protect the Pantanal biome. It was founded in 2007 and started operating in 2008 with a project for teaching adults to read and write, in parallel with the construction of the Jatobazinho School, the center of a range of social and environmental activities involving the people who live in the region.